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IAction - Interface in de.presti.ree6.actions
Interface used to create an Action.
ICommand - Interface in de.presti.ree6.commands.interfaces
An Interface class, used to make it easier for the creation of Commands.
id() - Method in record class
Get the ID of the announcement.
IEventAction - Interface in de.presti.ree6.actions.customevents
Interface used to create an Event Action.
IGame - Interface in
Interface for Games to implement.
imageAPI - Static variable in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Neko4JsAPI
Get an Instance of the Neko4JsAPI.
ImageCreationUtility - Class in
A utility to create Images.
IManager<R> - Interface in de.presti.ree6.module
Interface for a simple Manager for a specific Entity.
Import - Class in de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod
A class used to import data from another Bot.
Import() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod.Import
importFromAmari(CommandEvent) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod.Import
Sends a request to an API to get the data from Amari.
importFromMee6(CommandEvent) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod.Import
Sends a request to an API to get the data from Mee6.
includeUserInCombinedAudio(User) - Method in class
Info - Class in
A command to show the user's information.
Info() - Constructor for class
INFO - Enum constant in enum class de.presti.ree6.commands.Category
Category used for informativ Commands.
Infractions - Class in
A command that allows users to see how many warnings/infractions they have.
Infractions() - Constructor for class
init() - Method in class de.presti.ree6.installer.Config
Initialize the Configuration.
init() - Method in class
Initialize the Configuration.
INIT - Enum constant in enum class
State when the Bot starts.
initGPT() - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.ChatGPTAPI
Method to initialise and create the API Wrapper Instance.
initializeLanguages() - Static method in class de.presti.ree6.language.LanguageService
Called to load every Language file into memory.
initSpotify() - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.SpotifyAPIHandler
Initialize the Spotify API.
InstagramNotifier - Class in
A Command to activate Instagram Notifications.
InstagramNotifier() - Constructor for class
instance - Static variable in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.SpotifyAPIHandler
The Spotify API-Handler.
introduced() - Element in annotation interface de.presti.ree6.actions.ActionInfo
Get the introduced version of the Action.
Invite - Class in
A command to show you an invitation link for Ree6.
Invite() - Constructor for class
InviteContainer - Class in de.presti.ree6.logger.invite
Classed used to save Data of Invites from the Database.
InviteContainer(String, String, String, long, boolean) - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.logger.invite.InviteContainer
Constructor for the InviteContainer which saved the Data.
InviteContainerManager - Class in de.presti.ree6.logger.invite
Utility class to contain every Invite and manage the Invites in our Database.
isAttemptingToConnect(ConnectionStatus) - Method in class
Check if the Bot is trying to join an Audio-Channel right now.
isCanceled() - Method in class
Check if the Message is canceled or not.
isChangedHoisted() - Method in class
Get the current hoisted changed State of the Role.
isChangedMentioned() - Method in class
Get the current mentioned changed State of the Role.
isConnected(Guild) - Method in class
Check if the Bot is connected to an Audio-Channel on the given Guild.
isConnectedMember(Member) - Method in class
Check if the Member is connected to an Audio-Channel on the Guild.
isCreated() - Method in class
Get the current creation State of the Role.
isDebug() - Static method in class
Check if the bot should run in debug mode.
isDeleted() - Method in class
Get the current deletion State of the Role.
isHidden() - Method in class
Gets whether the card is hidden or not.
isHoisted() - Method in class
Get the current hoisted State of the Role.
isIconAnimated() - Method in enum class de.presti.ree6.commands.Category
The Information if the Icon is animated.
isInstagramUserRegistered(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Check if a User is already being checked.
isMentioned() - Method in class
Get the current mentioned State of the Role.
isModuleActive(String) - Static method in class
Check if a module is activated in the config.
isMusicPlaying() - Method in class
Check if the Audio-Player is playing any Music!
isOpus() - Method in class
Check if it is using the Opus Audio Library.
isRSSRegistered(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Check if an RSS-Feed is already being checked.
isSlashCommand() - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.CommandEvent
Check if the Command Execution is a Slash Command or not.
isSubredditRegistered(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Check if a Subreddit is already being checked.
isSupporter(Member) - Static method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.others.UserUtil
Checks if a specific user has supported Ree6 via Donations!
isTemporalVoicechannel(AudioChannel) - Static method in class
Check if the channel is a temporal Voice-channel.
isTikTokUserRegistered(long) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Check if a TikTok User is already being checked.
isTimeout(User) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.CommandManager
Check if a User is time-outed.
IStreamAction - Interface in de.presti.ree6.actions.streamtools
Interface used to create a Stream Action.
isTwitchRegistered(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Check if a Twitch Channel is already being checked.
isTwitterRegistered(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Check if a Twitter User is already being checked.
isUrl(String) - Static method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.others.FormatUtil
Check if the given string is an url.
isValidChannelId(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.YouTubeAPIHandler
Check if a given channel ID matches the pattern of a YouTube channel ID.
isVanity() - Method in class de.presti.ree6.logger.invite.InviteContainer
Get if the Invite is a Vanity Invite.
isYouTubeRegistered(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Check if a YouTube Channel is already being checked.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form