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ActionEvent - Class in de.presti.ree6.actions
Base class for all action events.
ActionEvent() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.actions.ActionEvent
ActionInfo - Annotation Interface in de.presti.ree6.actions
Annotation used to store Information about Actions.
ActionRunContainer - Class in de.presti.ree6.actions
A Container class containing the needed Information to run a StreamAction.
ActionRunContainer() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.actions.ActionRunContainer
add(LogMessage) - Method in class
Add a Logging Message into the List.
add(R) - Method in interface de.presti.ree6.module.IManager
Add an object to the List.
addAnnouncement(Announcement) - Static method in class
Method used to add an announcement to the list.
addCommand(ICommand) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.CommandManager
Add a single Command to the Command list.
addEvent(ListenerAdapter...) - Static method in class
Called to add a ListenerAdapter to the EventListener.
addInvite(InviteContainer) - Static method in class de.presti.ree6.logger.invite.InviteContainerManager
Methode to add or update an Invitation on the Database.
Addon - Class in de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.hidden
A command to either reload all Addons or list all of them.
Addon - Record Class in de.presti.ree6.addons
Created a new Local-Addon
Addon() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.hidden.Addon
Addon(AddonInterface, String, String, String, String, String, File) - Constructor for record class de.presti.ree6.addons.Addon
Creates an instance of a Addon record class.
addonInterface() - Method in record class de.presti.ree6.addons.Addon
Returns the value of the addonInterface record component.
AddonInterface - Interface in de.presti.ree6.addons
The Interface used for the Addons.
AddonLoader - Class in de.presti.ree6.addons
The actual Addon-Loader which Loads every single Addon from the Addon Folder.
AddonManager - Class in de.presti.ree6.addons
The AddonManager has been created to save every Addon in a List to keep track of them and to unload them if wanted/needed.
AddonManager() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.addons.AddonManager
addons - Variable in class de.presti.ree6.addons.AddonManager
The actual List with the Addons.
addPoints(int) - Method in class
Method used to add points to the player.
addReceivedAnnouncement(long, String) - Static method in class
Method used to add an announcement to the received announcements of a Guild.
addSlashCommand(JDA) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.CommandManager
Method used to add all Commands as SlashCommand on Discord.
allowRecordingInChat() - Static method in class
Check if the bot should be able to send the recordings in chat.
AmariAPI - Class in de.presti.ree6.utils.apis
AmariAPI() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.AmariAPI
Constructor used to load the API-Wrapper.
Anime - Class in
A command used to search for animes!
Anime() - Constructor for class
Announcement - Class in de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.hidden
A command to create an announcement.
Announcement - Record Class in
Announcement entity class to store information about an announcement.
Announcement() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.hidden.Announcement
Announcement(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Announcement record class.
AnnouncementManager - Class in
Announcement Manager used to store and manage announcements.
AnnouncementManager() - Constructor for class
answers - Static variable in class
String Array used to store answer options, for later use by the 8Ball command.
apiVersion() - Method in record class de.presti.ree6.addons.Addon
Returns the value of the apiVersion record component.
ArrayUtil - Class in
Utility class used to store Data for a shorter period of time.
AudioPlayerReceiveHandler - Class in
All methods in this class are called by JDA threads when resources are available/ready for processing.
AudioPlayerReceiveHandler(Member, VoiceChannel) - Constructor for class
AudioPlayerSendHandler - Class in
This is a wrapper around AudioPlayer which makes it behave as an AudioSendHandler for JDA.
AudioPlayerSendHandler(LavaplayerPlayerWrapper) - Constructor for class
AudioUtil - Class in
A utility class to work with Audio files.
author() - Method in record class de.presti.ree6.addons.Addon
Returns the value of the author record component.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form