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Unban - Class in de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod
A command to unban someone.
Unban() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod.Unban
Unmute - Class in de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod
A command to unmute a user.
Unmute() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod.Unmute
unmuteMember(Member, Member, CommandEvent) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod.Unmute
Unmute a Member.
unregisterInstagramUser(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Used to unregister an Instagram-Post Event for all Insta-Users.
unregisterRSS(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Used to unregister an RSS Feed.
unregisterSubreddit(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Used to unregister a Reddit-Post Event for the given Subreddit.
unregisterTikTokUser(long) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Used to unregister a TikTok User.
unregisterTwitchChannel(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Used to Unregister a Livestream Event for the given Twitch Channel
unregisterTwitterUser(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Used to Unregister a Tweet Event for the given Twitter User
unregisterYouTubeChannel(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.Notifier
Used to unregister an Upload Event for the given YouTube Channel
update() - Static method in class de.presti.ree6.installer.Main
Update Ree6 to the latest version.
update(Message, MessageEditData) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.CommandEvent
Update a Message that has been sent.
updateCredential(CustomOAuth2Credential) - Method in class
Updates the values with the input from the provided new credential
updatePreDefinedText(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.ChatGPTAPI
Method used to add more information to the predefined text.
updateViews(BlackJackPlayer, BlackJackPlayer) - Method in class
Called to update the current Views of all Players.
url(String) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.external.RequestUtility.Request.RequestBuilder
Change the Url of the Request.
URL_REGEX - Static variable in class
The Regex for URLs.
USER_BAN - Enum constant in enum class
LogTyp for the Logs which are fired when a User gets banned.
USER_UNBAN - Enum constant in enum class
LogTyp for the Logs which are fired when a User gets unbanned.
UserUtil - Class in de.presti.ree6.utils.others
Utility class used to handle User specific stuff that is being used multiple times.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form