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parseSpotifyURL(String) - Static method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.apis.SpotifyAPIHandler
Parse a Spotify URL.
Pause - Class in
Pauses the current Song.
Pause() - Constructor for class
PAUSE_EMOJI - Static variable in class de.presti.ree6.utils.others.FormatUtil
A String containing the UTF-8 character for a pause button.
PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class
The music player is currently paused.
pay(MoneyHolder, MoneyHolder, double, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
Create a payment transaction between two MoneyHolders.
pay(MoneyHolder, MoneyHolder, double, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
Create a payment transaction between two MoneyHolders.
perform(Member, Guild, String, Message, MessageChannelUnion, SlashCommandInteractionEvent) - Method in class de.presti.ree6.commands.CommandManager
Try to perform a Command.
PickUpLine - Class in
A command to give you a random pickup line
PickUpLine() - Constructor for class
Ping - Class in
A command to let the bot say Pong.
Ping() - Constructor for class
play(AudioChannel, GuildMusicManager, AudioTrack) - Method in class
The simple Audio play method, used to Queue songs and let the Bot join the Audio-channel if not present.
play(AudioChannel, GuildMusicManager, AudioTrack, boolean) - Method in class
The simple Audio play method, used to Queue songs and let the Bot join the Audio-channel if not present.
Play - Class in
Play a Song.
Play() - Constructor for class
PLAY_EMOJI - Static variable in class de.presti.ree6.utils.others.FormatUtil
A String containing the UTF-8 character for a play button.
PlayBlerpStreamAction - Class in de.presti.ree6.actions.streamtools.action
StreamAction used to play a blerp sound that is bound to a specific channel reward.
PlayBlerpStreamAction() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.actions.streamtools.action.PlayBlerpStreamAction
playerManager - Variable in class
The AudioPlayer Manager of the Bot.
PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class
The music player is currently playing a track.
playSong(String, CommandEvent) - Method in class
Play a specific song.
playSong(String, Guild, Member, MessageChannelUnion, InteractionHook) - Method in class
Play a specific song.
PlayTTSStreamAction - Class in de.presti.ree6.actions.streamtools.action
StreamAction used to play a text-to-speech messages.
PlayTTSStreamAction() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.actions.streamtools.action.PlayTTSStreamAction
PlayUrlStreamAction - Class in de.presti.ree6.actions.streamtools.action
StreamAction used to play a URL.
PlayUrlStreamAction() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.actions.streamtools.action.PlayUrlStreamAction
POST - Enum constant in enum class de.presti.ree6.utils.external.RequestUtility.Method
The POST Method.
POST() - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.external.RequestUtility.Request.RequestBuilder
Change the Request method to POST.
Prefix - Class in de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod
A command to change the prefix.
Prefix() - Constructor for class de.presti.ree6.commands.impl.mod.Prefix
print(String) - Static method in class de.presti.ree6.installer.Main
Print something to the console.
progressBar(double) - Static method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.others.FormatUtil
Build a progressbar by the percentage.
provide20MsAudio() - Method in class
Let the AudioPlayer provide a ByteBuffer of the Audio.
PUT - Enum constant in enum class de.presti.ree6.utils.external.RequestUtility.Method
The POST Method.
PUT() - Method in class de.presti.ree6.utils.external.RequestUtility.Request.RequestBuilder
Change the Request method to PUT.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form