All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for all action events.
Annotation used to store Information about Actions.
A Container class containing the needed Information to run a StreamAction.
Created a new Local-Addon
A command to either reload all Addons or list all of them.
The Interface used for the Addons.
The actual Addon-Loader which Loads every single Addon from the Addon Folder.
The AddonManager has been created to save every Addon in a List to keep track of them and to unload them if wanted/needed.
A command used to search for animes!
A command to create an announcement.
Announcement entity class to store information about an announcement.
Announcement Manager used to store and manage announcements.
Utility class used to store Data for a shorter period of time.
All methods in this class are called by JDA threads when resources are available/ready for processing.
This is a wrapper around AudioPlayer which makes it behave as an AudioSendHandler for JDA.
A utility class to work with Audio files.
A command to ban a user from the server.
This command is used to let the bot remember your Birthday.
Class used to represent the game of blackjack.
Class entity used to represent a card in the game of blackjack.
Utility class used to provide methods for the game of blackjack.
Class entity used to represent a player in the game of blackjack.
This command is used to manage the Blacklist.
Class with the different Bot States.
Class with every Version.
Class to store information about the bot.
Different Categories for the commands.
A command to get a random cat images.
API Handler class for the ChatGPT API Wrapper.
A command to clear messages.
A command to clear the Invite-Data stored.
Clears the Queue.
Annotation used to store information about the Command easier and access it faster and better.
Event class used to parse and provide Information about a command execution.
Exception class, used for errors while trying to initialize the Commands.
Manager class used to manage all Commands and command related operation.
A command to give credits.
A command to let the bot response to the last Message with a cringe Image.
A Container class containing the needed Information to run a CustomEventAction.
A Container used to store all needed Information for a CustomEventAction.
A Utility class used to create CustomEventContainers.
A Mapper that maps an Event to a EventTyp.
Custom OAuth2Credential to contain the discord user id.
Class used to convert a OAuth2Credential to a CustomOAuth2Credential.
Utility class to save long term used Data.
The Storage backend to allow the Twitch4J CredentialManager to store the Data in our Database.
Disconnects the Bot from the VoiceChannel.
A command to get a random dog images.
Utility class for Economy related stuff.
Command to send an Embed.
A command to get random fun facts.
Command used to access the Game System.
Listener for Game Events.
Annotation for internal Games to access Information.
Class to manage Games.
Entity for Games to access Players.
Class used to store Information about Games and its related Information.
Enum used to store the current Game State.
A Command to manage Giveaways.
Manager for the Giveaways.
Holder for both the player and a track scheduler for one guild.
A command to help the user navigate.
A command to send someone to the horny-jail.
A command to send someone a hug.
Interface used to create an Action.
An Interface class, used to make it easier for the creation of Commands.
Interface used to create an Event Action.
Interface for Games to implement.
A utility to create Images.
Interface for a simple Manager for a specific Entity.
A class used to import data from another Bot.
A command to show the user's information.
A command that allows users to see how many warnings/infractions they have.
A Command to activate Instagram Notifications.
A command to show you an invitation link for Ree6.
Classed used to save Data of Invites from the Database.
Utility class to contain every Invite and manage the Invites in our Database.
Interface used to create a Stream Action.
A command to kick a user from the server.
A command to send someone a kiss.
Class used to represent a Language.
Utility used to work with Languages.
A command to get the Leaderboard.
A command to see your current Level.
A Command to set a Role for a Level.
Internal LoggingQueue, created to merge LoggingMessages to prevent Rate-Limits by Cloudflare.
Event Handler for all Events related to Logs.
Base-class for all Log-Messages.
This is class is used to store MemberData for Logs which work with Data of Members.
This class is used for merging Role Activity Logs to save Webhook Messages to prevent Rate-Limits.
Class for overall Interaction handling with Users.
This is class is used to store VoiceData for Logs which work with Stuff like the current state of Members in a voice or, the change of their current voice-state.
The used Log-Types.
Set the Song onto Loop.
Get the Lyrics of a Song.
Main class.
Main Application class, used to store Instances of System Relevant classes.
A command used to search for mangas!
A command to get random memes.
EventHandler for Menu Events.
Class to handle the moderation user behaviour.
Command to manage the player specific economy.
Sends a gif of a monkey with a quote.
Creates a small typeof UI to control music in a channel.
Event class used to contain information about the current state of the music player.
Enum used to store the current state of the music player.
Class representing the game "Music Quiz"
Classed used to store information about a song for the music quiz game.
Class used to store information about a player in the music quiz game.
Class used to handle MusicQuiz related Utilities.
Wrapper class that handles most Music related stuff.
A command to mute a user.
A command used to enable or disable the receiving of news on the guild.
Utility class used for Event Notifiers.
A command to show NSFW-Image from r/hentai.
A command to opt-out of data collection.
Event Handler for no categorized Events.
Pauses the current Song.
A command to give you a random pickup line
A command to let the bot say Pong.
Play a Song.
StreamAction used to play a blerp sound that is bound to a specific channel reward.
StreamAction used to play a text-to-speech messages.
StreamAction used to play a URL.
A command to change the prefix.
A command to give you a random response.
Utility class for random things.
A Command to add a Reaction Role.
A command used to record the conversation of a voice channel.
A Command to activate Reddit Notifications.
Utility class meant to store all the RegExes.
Utility class used to send Request and handle their responses easily.
Utility used to work with HTTP Requests.
Supported Methods.
Utility class for Requests.
Builder class for a Request class.
A restricted version of HttpAudioSourceManager.
Resume a Song.
A Command to activate RSS Notifications.
A command to show NSFW-Image from
StreamAction used to say a message.
Schedule a message to a specific time or a repeating time.
Seek to a specific Time in the current Song.
A command to show you some info about the Server.
A command to set Ree6 up.
A command that shows random Shiba inu images, from
Shuffle the current Playlist.
Skip the current Song.
A command to slap someone.
Get information about the current Song.
Get the current list of songs.
API Handler class used to work quicker and easier with the Spotify API..
Original Author: Kay-Bilger
A command to show you the stats of Ree6.
Steal money from other users.
Stop the Ree6 from playing Music.
A command used to create and manage StreamActions.
A Container used to store all needed Information for a StreamAction.
A Utility class used to create StreamActionContainers.
A Container class containing the needed Information to run a StreamAction.
A command used to set up the Suggestion System.
A command to get information about how to contact the Support of Ree6.
A command to test stuff.
This util class is used to create ASyncThreads with consumers in a Thread-pool
A command used to set up the Ticket system
A Command to activate TikTok Notifications.
Utility class for the Time.
This class schedules tracks for the audio player.
A Command to activate Twitch Notifications.
A command to create a fake tweet.
A Command to activate Twitter Notifications.
A command to unban someone.
A command to unmute a user.
Utility class used to handle User specific stuff that is being used multiple times.
StreamAction used to join a voice channel.
StreamAction used to leave the current connected Voicechannel.
Set the Volume of the AudioPlayer of Ree6.
A command to show you are random Waifu or Husbando.
A command to warn users and let them be punished if they reached a specific warn amount.
Class to handle Webhook sends.
Sends a link to the Webinterface.
Work for money.
A Command to activate YouTube Notifications.