Class LogMessageRole


public class LogMessageRole extends LogMessage
This class is used for merging Role Activity Logs to save Webhook Messages to prevent Rate-Limits.
  • Constructor Summary

    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, Color previousColor, Color currentColor)
    A Constructor for a Name change Event.
    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, Color previousColor, Color currentColor, boolean isCreated)
    A Constructor for a Color change Event.
    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, String currentName, boolean isCreated)
    A Constructor for a creation Event.
    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, String currentName, boolean isCreated, boolean isDeleted, boolean isHoisted, boolean isMentioned)
    A Constructor for a Role base Event.
    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, String previousName, String currentName)
    A Constructor for a Name change Event.
    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, String previousName, String currentName, boolean isCreated)
    A Constructor for a Name change Event.
    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> previousPermission, Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> currentPermission)
    A Constructor for a Permission change Event.
    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> previousPermission, Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> currentPermission, boolean isCreated)
    A Constructor for a Permission change Event.
    LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role role)
    A Constructor for a Role based Event.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the current Color of the Role.
    Get the current Name of the Role.
    Get the current Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
    Get the previous Color of the Role.
    Get the Previous Name of the Role.
    Get the previous Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
    Get ID of the Role.
    Get the current hoisted changed State of the Role.
    Get the current mentioned changed State of the Role.
    Get the current creation State of the Role.
    Get the current deletion State of the Role.
    Get the current hoisted State of the Role.
    Get the current mentioned State of the Role.
    setChangedHoisted(boolean changedHoisted)
    Change the current hoisted change state of the Role.
    setChangedMentioned(boolean changedMentioned)
    Change the current mentioned change state of the Role.
    setCreated(boolean created)
    Change the current creation state of the Role.
    setCurrentColor(Color currentColor)
    Change the current Color of the Role.
    setCurrentName(String currentName)
    Change the current Name of the Role.
    setCurrentPermission(Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> currentPermission)
    Change the current Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
    setDeleted(boolean deleted)
    Change the current deleted state of the Role.
    setHoisted(boolean hoisted)
    Change the current hoisted state of the Role.
    setMentioned(boolean mentioned)
    Change the current mentioned state of the Role.
    setPreviousColor(Color previousColor)
    Change the previous Color of the Role.
    setPreviousName(String previousName)
    Change the previous Name of the Role.
    setPreviousPermission(Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> previousPermission)
    Change the previous Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
    setRoleId(long roleId)
    Change the Role ID that is associated with the Event.

    Methods inherited from class

    cancel, getAuthCode, getGuild, getId, getType, getWebhookMessage, isCanceled, setCanceled, setType, setWebhookMessage

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role role)
      A Constructor for a Role based Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      role - the Role of the Event.
    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, String previousName, String currentName)
      A Constructor for a Name change Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      roleId - the ID of the Role.
      previousName - the previous Name of the Role.
      currentName - the current Name of the Role.
    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, String previousName, String currentName, boolean isCreated)
      A Constructor for a Name change Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      roleId - the ID of the Role.
      previousName - the previous Name of the Role.
      currentName - the current Name of the Role.
      isCreated - the creation State of the Role.
    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, String currentName, boolean isCreated)
      A Constructor for a creation Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      roleId - the ID of the Role.
      currentName - the current Name of the Role.
      isCreated - the creation State of the Role.
    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, Color previousColor, Color currentColor)
      A Constructor for a Name change Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      roleId - the ID of the Role.
      previousColor - the previous Color of the Role.
      currentColor - the current Color of the Role.
    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, Color previousColor, Color currentColor, boolean isCreated)
      A Constructor for a Color change Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      roleId - the ID of the Role.
      previousColor - the previous Color of the Role.
      currentColor - the current Color of the Role.
      isCreated - the creation State of the Role.
    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> previousPermission, Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> currentPermission)
      A Constructor for a Permission change Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      roleId - the ID of the Role.
      previousPermission - the previous Permissions of the Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission>.
      currentPermission - the current Permissions of the Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission>.
    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> previousPermission, Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> currentPermission, boolean isCreated)
      A Constructor for a Permission change Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      roleId - the ID of the Role.
      previousPermission - the previous Permissions of the Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission>.
      currentPermission - the current Permissions of the Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission>.
      isCreated - the creation State of the Role.
    • LogMessageRole

      public LogMessageRole(long webhookId, String webhookAuthCode, club.minnced.discord.webhook.send.WebhookMessage webhookMessage, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild guild, LogTyp logTyp, long roleId, String currentName, boolean isCreated, boolean isDeleted, boolean isHoisted, boolean isMentioned)
      A Constructor for a Role base Event.
      webhookId - The ID of the Webhook.
      webhookAuthCode - The Auth-Token for the Webhook.
      webhookMessage - WebhookMessage itself.
      guild - The Guild related to the Log-Message
      logTyp - The Typ of the current Log.
      roleId - the ID of the Role.
      currentName - the current Name of the Role.
      isCreated - the creation State of the Role.
      isDeleted - the deletion State of the Role.
      isHoisted - the hoisted State of the Role.
      isMentioned - the mentioned State of the Role.
  • Method Details

    • getRoleId

      public long getRoleId()
      Get ID of the Role.
      the ID of the Role as Long.
    • setRoleId

      public void setRoleId(long roleId)
      Change the Role ID that is associated with the Event.
      roleId - the ID of the Role
    • getPreviousName

      public String getPreviousName()
      Get the Previous Name of the Role.
      the previous Name as String.
    • setPreviousName

      public void setPreviousName(String previousName)
      Change the previous Name of the Role.
      previousName - the new previous Name as String.
    • getCurrentName

      public String getCurrentName()
      Get the current Name of the Role.
      the current Name as String
    • setCurrentName

      public void setCurrentName(String currentName)
      Change the current Name of the Role.
      currentName - the new current Name as String.
    • getPreviousColor

      public Color getPreviousColor()
      Get the previous Color of the Role.
      the previous Color as Color
    • setPreviousColor

      public void setPreviousColor(Color previousColor)
      Change the previous Color of the Role.
      previousColor - the new previous Color as Color.
    • getCurrentColor

      public Color getCurrentColor()
      Get the current Color of the Role.
      the current Color as Color
    • setCurrentColor

      public void setCurrentColor(Color currentColor)
      Change the current Color of the Role.
      currentColor - the new current Color as Color.
    • getPreviousPermission

      public Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> getPreviousPermission()
      Get the previous Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
      the previous Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
    • setPreviousPermission

      public void setPreviousPermission(Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> previousPermission)
      Change the previous Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
      previousPermission - the new previous Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
    • getCurrentPermission

      public Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> getCurrentPermission()
      Get the current Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
      the current Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
    • setCurrentPermission

      public void setCurrentPermission(Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> currentPermission)
      Change the current Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
      currentPermission - the new current Set<net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission> of the Role.
    • isCreated

      public boolean isCreated()
      Get the current creation State of the Role.
      the current State as Boolean.
    • setCreated

      public void setCreated(boolean created)
      Change the current creation state of the Role.
      created - the new state of creation.
    • isDeleted

      public boolean isDeleted()
      Get the current deletion State of the Role.
      the current State as Boolean.
    • setDeleted

      public void setDeleted(boolean deleted)
      Change the current deleted state of the Role.
      deleted - the new state of deletion.
    • isHoisted

      public boolean isHoisted()
      Get the current hoisted State of the Role.
      the current State as Boolean.
    • setHoisted

      public void setHoisted(boolean hoisted)
      Change the current hoisted state of the Role.
      hoisted - the new state of hoisted.
    • isMentioned

      public boolean isMentioned()
      Get the current mentioned State of the Role.
      the current State as Boolean.
    • setMentioned

      public void setMentioned(boolean mentioned)
      Change the current mentioned state of the Role.
      mentioned - the new state of mentioned.
    • isChangedMentioned

      public boolean isChangedMentioned()
      Get the current mentioned changed State of the Role.
      the current State as Boolean.
    • setChangedMentioned

      public void setChangedMentioned(boolean changedMentioned)
      Change the current mentioned change state of the Role.
      changedMentioned - the new state of mentioned change.
    • isChangedHoisted

      public boolean isChangedHoisted()
      Get the current hoisted changed State of the Role.
      the current State as Boolean.
    • setChangedHoisted

      public void setChangedHoisted(boolean changedHoisted)
      Change the current hoisted change state of the Role.
      changedHoisted - the new state of hoisted change.