Class AddonManager


public class AddonManager extends Object
The AddonManager has been created to save every Addon in a List to keep track of them and to unload them if wanted/needed.
  • Field Details

    • addons

      public final ArrayList<Addon> addons
      The actual List with the Addons.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddonManager

      public AddonManager()
  • Method Details

    • reload

      public void reload()
      Reload the AddonManager by stopping every Addon and reading them.
    • startAddon

      public void startAddon(Addon addon)
      Try starting an Addon by calling the Class with a URL-Class Loader.
      addon - the Local-Addon.
    • startAddons

      public void startAddons()
      Start every Addon from the AddonList.
    • stopAddon

      public void stopAddon(Addon addon)
      Try stopping the Addon by calling the Main-Class methode onDisable.
      addon - The Local-Addon.
    • stopAddons

      public void stopAddons()
      Stop every Addon.
    • loadAddon

      public void loadAddon(Addon addon)
      "Load" an Addon.
      addon - the Local-Addon.