Class Main


public class Main extends Object
Main Application class, used to store Instances of System Relevant classes.
  • Constructor Details

    • Main

      public Main()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Main methode called when Application starts.
      args - Start Arguments.
    • createCheckerThread

      public void createCheckerThread()
      Method creates a Thread used to create a Checker Thread.
    • createHeartbeatThread

      public void createHeartbeatThread()
      Method creates a Thread which sends a heartbeat to a URL in an x seconds interval.
    • logAnalytic

      public void logAnalytic(String message, Object... args)
      Method used to log analytics.
      message - the message that should be logged.
      args - the arguments for the message that should be logged.
    • getAnalyticsLogger

      public org.slf4j.Logger getAnalyticsLogger()
      Retrieve the Instance of the Analytics Logger.
      Logger Instance of the Analytics Logger.
    • getInstance

      public static Main getInstance()
      Retrieve the Instance of the Main class.
      Main Instance of the Main class.